Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pull the Fuckers Out By Their Roots

A weed is anything growing somewhere it hasn't been planted. Even the most desirable flower or plant can be classified as a weed. During my volunteer gardening sessions, maybe because of my lack of skills and offer of free labor,  I have been spending a lot of time weeding undesirables. Mostly giant dandelion stocks, grass, oodles of nasturtiums and the weed pictured above, yellow suckling, which is tough to pull and tangles into the plants your trying to weed it out of and often pulls out their innocent roots along with the job. Fuckers! It's really tricky trying to rid a patch of this weed. The other day while dealing with these, I zeroed in on all the symbolic relevance of weeding and the way one could interpret it as a lesson for life: not letting things get out of control, mitigating problems while they are still small, being thorough while doing so, keeping things neat and tidy, not letting the past fester, etc...
In this vein it made it even more rewarding when I pulled out a weed deep from its roots and got it the far away from the tea trees and salvias as I was tending to. Pull those fuckers out from their roots! I kept thinking. Or they'll just come back and all my work will have been for nothing.

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